Healing Diamonds

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How To Purchase


Therapy Diamonds must meet specific physical parameters regarding carat weight, cut, clarity, and color.

Only about 2% of diamonds that meet these criteria have the energetic characteristics to qualify them as therapeutic.

Find out what factors are involved in determining healing Diamond prices, and how they compare to those of non-therapeutic diamonds.

What to Budget

When you decide to purchase a TheraDiamond™, you should first consider the healing benefits of Diamonds of various sizes, colors, and clarities.

Larger stones are stronger, but more expensive. Diamonds with higher color and clarity will also be more expensive, but they work more directly, with focus. Diamonds with lower color and clarity ratings tend to work more slowly and gently.

The bottom line, and one that we honor and respect, is how much you can comfortably afford.

Get Help From Our Diamond Concierge Service

Every Therapy Diamond feels different, so it’s important to choose one that will support you best. Our Diamond Concierge will help you find a compatible stone within your preferred budget and quality parameters.