Healing Diamonds

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What Makes a Diamond Therapeutic?

Therapy Diamonds have both physical and energetic properties

Energetic Criteria

Energetically, a Therapy Diamond must carry a spectrum of all seven color rays in relatively equal amounts. This is why they’re also called 7-color-ray Diamonds.

These colors are not the same as the colorful “fire” that a well-cut diamonds display under certain lighting conditions.

The seven color rays are fundamental healing energies, and your inherent blueprints are made of them. That’s why Diamonds are the only gemstones that can work directly with those blueprints.

Blueprint instructions, which come from your highest self, tell your body how to heal and your heart where to guide you.

Only about 2% of the diamonds that meet the physical criteria also carry color rays.

Physical Criteria

We evaluate our Diamonds using the four physical parameters established by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA): color, clarity, carat, and cut. These are known as “the four c’s” and are commonly used in the jewelry industry.
Our Therapy Diamonds must meet certain quality standards in each of these categories.


For therapeutic purposes, only round-cut diamonds allow a Therapy Diamond’s energies to work evenly throughout a person’s body and aura.


Natural coloration in a diamond is graded from D to Z, with D representing the rarest and most valuable Diamonds with no body color at all. Therapy Diamonds can have any grade of body color along the D-to-Z scale. We do not use fancy color Diamonds.


A gem’s clarity indicates how clear or included a stone is. Therapy Diamonds may have a clarity rating of IF (internally flawless), VVS (very very slightly included), or VS (very slightly included). Sometimes SI (slightly included) stones are acceptable depending on the position, size, and nature of their inclusions.

Carat Weight

We like to find Therapy Diamonds of .25 carat or larger. Stones smaller than this can be too obstructed by a ring or earring setting making it less therapeutically effective.

Therapy Diamonds that you plan to apply by hand should be large enough to comfortably hold in your fingers. Most of our students prefer Diamonds of at least .5 carat, which measure just over 5 mm in diameter. Of course, the larger your Diamond is, the easier it will be to hold and apply using Diamond Therapy techniques.

Larger Diamonds are definitely easier to handle. Their effects have a much wider reach, meaning they affect a greater expanse of a person’s being.

If you want a larger Diamond, one with lower clarity and color grades will be more affordable. Higher-quality Diamonds work with a focus and directness that may be preferred regardless of size.